Family History Document Preservation

Water Wheel


Many families lose important family records, official and unofficial, when older members die without descendants who are committed to preserving these records. Brandywine's Board of Directors has been concerned about this circumstance and has voted to accept and preserve family papers for those families coming under the Brandywine umbrella. We are interested in family narratives, journals, letters, pictures, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, military discharges, etc.

If you have such records and are concerned about their disposition upon your death, contact a Brandywine representative. We will soon name a person to manage this program and will list his or her name and address. In the meantime, contact a director or your family line liaison, listed elsewhere on this web site.

Brandywine Crucible negotiated arrangements with several educational Institutions to preserve records donated from members.

NOTE: If you have a family member who will accept and preserve your records, Brandywine would be interested in acquiring duplicate copies of papers and documents especially important to our family history.

The web site will be the repository for electronic documents and other records. If you have materials you wish to put on the web site, contact Webmaster Mark Werner.